• Faculty of Business and Economics
  • umfpe@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 3800


UM and FBA have been awarded the AACSB accreditation for a period of 5 years beginning February 2016. Our Business & Accountancy programs are at par with the like of Harvard University, Stanford University, Yale University, London Business School, INSEAD, and many other Ivy League institutions. UM and FBA is the 1st public university to have ‘double crown’ status from international recognized accreditation bodies - AMBA and AACSB.

A press conference has been held on 24th February 2016 to announce the accreditation and have been reported by various newspapers. The announcement have been made by our own Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd Amin Jalaludin at University of Malaya Art Gallery, Level 5, Chancellery Building. Part of the speech video can be found on http://www.enterprisetv.com.my/universiti-malaya-terima-akreditasi-aacsb-amerika-syarikat/ as reported by EnterpriseTV.

AACSB Accreditation is the hallmark of excellence in business education, and has been earned by less than five percent of the world's business programs. Today, there are more than 755 business schools in 51 countries and territories that maintain AACSB Accreditation. (For the most recent information visit, http://www.aacsb.edu/accreditation/accreditedmembers.asp).

It is a group effort from the beginning to obtain the accreditation including the administration, faculty, directors, staff, and students. Therefore, on behalf of Dean and Accreditation team, we would like to thanks all that have been involved in the process and congratulation to all of us for obtaining this prestigious accreditation.

Last Update: 07/10/2021