• Faculty of Business and Economics
  • umfpe@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 3800


The Euro-Asian MBA-MSc programme is an exciting partnership designed in collaboration with the University of Glasgow (UofG), allowing you to combine a one-year MSc from our partner university in European with our master's degrees.

This programme draws on both European and Southeast Asian-specific business experiences, giving you a unique insight into leadership in today's international business world. 

You'll spend your first year studying in Malaysia on the UM MBA programme before joining Glasgow for the second part of your journey for UofG MSc programme. 

At Glasgow, you'll have the choice of one of three world-class MSc programmes, including: 

  • International Business
  • Environment & Sustainable Development or
  • Financial Technology (FinTech)



In Universiti Malaya, you need to take core courses.

YEAR 2 - MSc (UofG)

Once in Glasgow, choose between one of three world-class, triple accredited MSc programmes, including International Business, Environment & Sustainable Development, or Financial Technology (FinTech).

International Business

International Business will provide you with advanced knowledge and skills in international business, cross-cultural management and entrepreneurship in an international context.

  • 9 core courses
  • 2 optional courses
  • 1 independent piece of research work in the form of a dissertation

Environment & Sustainable Development

This programme will give you the tools to apply economic analysis to a range of environmental management problems focusing on developing countries.

  • 4 core courses
  • 2 optional courses
  • 1 independent piece of research work in the form of a dissertation

Financial Technology (FinTech)

Fast-moving trends in technology and banking have altered the landscape for those seeking to make an impact in the world of finance. The MSc Financial Technology provides an advanced education in the multiple converging skills and knowledge bases that are required by the organisations of the future.

  • 7 core courses
  • Optional courses
  • Fintech Pathways Project, choosing from an Industry, Start-up or Research Pathway 

For more information about the programme, please visit Glasgow website here :


University of Glasgow
Adam Smith Business School
University of Glasgow
West Quadrangle
Gilbert Scott Building
Glasgow G12 8QQ
Email: business-recruitment@glasgow.ac.uk
Tel:+44 (0)141 330 3993
Fax: +44(0)141 330 5669

Universiti Malaya
Marketing, Alumni, and Career Unit (MAC@FBEc)
Level 4, Azman Hashim Building,
Faculty of Business and Economics,
Universiti Malaya,
50603 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel : +603-7967 3918
Email: umfbe_pg@um.edu.my

Last Update: 13/05/2024