• Faculty of Business and Economics
  • umfpe@um.edu.my
  • +603 7967 3800


Application for PhD Room

Universiti Malaya Research Ethics (UMREC) Application

The University of Malaya Research Ethics Committee (UMREC) undertakes ethics review of all non-medical research involving human participants including funded and unfunded research. The UMREC conducts an ethics review prior to the beginning of any research involving human participants. The UMREC examines the ethics components of the research such as, sound methodology, possible risks and benefits to the subjects, recruitment of subjects, consent from the subjects, confidentiality or anonymity for the subjects, the way in which the data is handled, and how feedback can be provided for the subjects. Please note that any data collection and participants recruitments for any purposes are strictly prohibited before obtaining ethical clearance.

How to Apply for UMREC

  • Please make sure all documents are compiled into one PDF file and then your application can be submitted to Ms. Sumitra Rajan (sumi_r@um.edu.my) & Ms. Fitri Soraya Azmi (fitrisorayaazmi95@um.edu.my) for verification from the Deputy Dean (Research).
  • Once the form has been verified by the Deputy Dean (Research), we will return back the form to you and you have to submit your application form by email to UMREC (umrec@um.edu.my).

UMREC Forms and Documents

Kindly visit https://umresearch.um.edu.my/research-ethics/ & also HERE (from UMREC Briefing dated 26 April 2024) for more information and application forms

  1. Application Form
  2. Participants Information Sheet
  3. Consent Form (Malay)
  4. Consent Form (English)

Postgraduate Special Research Grant (GPKIT) Application

Postgraduate Special Research Grant (GPKIT) aims to assist doctoral degree students to conduct their doctoral research under the supervision of their respective supervisors as the Principal Investigator (PI) of this grant which follows the Graduate On Time (GOT) period of 42 months/7 semesters. 

How to Apply for GPKIT

  • Please make sure all documents (no.1 until no.3) are compiled into one PDF file and then your application can be submitted to Ms. Fitri Soraya Azmi (fitrisorayaazmi95@um.edu.my) & Mr. Kong Wei Jian (weijian.kong@um.edu.my) for verification from the Deputy Dean (Research).
  • Please make sure all documents (no.1 until no.5) are compiled into one PDF file and then your application can be submitted to Ms. Fitri Soraya Azmi (fitrisorayaazmi95@um.edu.my) & Mr. Kong Wei Jian (weijian.kong@um.edu.my) for verification from the Deputy Dean (Research) and RGMS Account Opening.

GPKIT Forms and Documents

  1. Research Proposal
  2. Grant Offer Letter (will be given after being selected)
  3. Application Timeline (upcoming) 

Last Update: 30/04/2024